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I Don'T Wish To Twist Flax by Kingang [email protected]
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
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  • Using rapid or even accurate is likely better. I suggest rapid. (2) Well, dragon slayer is all up to you, do you mind going back to being mostly warrior? Is hitpoints considered a warrior thing? I thought it was'nuetral' meaning it is not'warrior' or'range' or'mage' (3)I am unsure about the iron arrows, so which is dependent upon how much money you've got available. Right now, I would suggest getting your fletching level upward, which RuneScape gold means you don't need to rely on purchasing your arrows. I guess you could switch to at least steel at about 50-60? I am 70 and still use steel arrows, and I do not think mithril or even addy arrows are really a nessesity.

    But even though you could, don't do the quest till you're at 50 range. Since you don't have any trouble getting iron arrows right now, it's not a big deal. The backpack just accumulates arrows as you walk around. Good luck, I hope I helped!

    Hi Guys, As you might have noticed that this is my first ever post on this forum.

    However what we really need to know is what can really be done about it. If you feel that another"cover to pk" or"world 66 riot" is the soloution then let me know what I should be doing for one started. If you believe the soloution would be to move along with Old school runescape gold it all and let it sort its self out then thats what ill do. However what im actually hoping for is another brilliant idea, one that hasnt been tried yet. Something, anything. Only give me something to try before I quit and end up quitting runescape. Anyhow, hopefully you guys will have the ability to give me a few good suggestions. Thanks from Matt.

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