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In the case of couples in which one of the spouses by Emily lowes
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The median age of participants in the nationwide WoTLK Gold survey was 33. while the median length of marriage is seven years. Of the couples where only one of the spouses played most of them were husbands. In those who played with both the majority of those who played more were husbands.

    "It's widely known that many couples face challenges with the game," re-creation management professor at BYU Neil Lundberg said. "Particularly in the case of husbands who are frequent gamers, it has an adverse effect on their relationships."

    In the case of couples in which one of the spouses played more than 75 percent claimed that the game had harmed their relationship particularly through the disturbance of their sleep routines. The study found that these couples faced issues like lesser time spent together during social activities and less serious conversations.

    It is interesting to note that similar issues were also reported by couples who played. In the group that reported lower marital satisfaction, disagreements over gaming were reported as well as the disruption of routines for bedtime.

    "It's not the game hours that matter," Lundberg said. "It's really what cheap WoTLK Classic Gold does to the relationship--whether or not it creates conflict and quarrelling over the game."


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