Why it's so difficult to get a good shot in NBA 2K23?

Why it's so difficult to get a good shot in NBA 2K23? by Meade Dorian
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • NBA 2K23 came with a lot more features than just the roster date. The most recent installment to the most popular basketball game came with a myriad of items, cosmetics, and even the hover bike.Cosmetic things aren't the only thing NBA 2K23 MT, 2K23 also hauled over a ton of new animations and improved shooting and dribbling in a drastic manner. Because of all the major game-changing changes this year, there's no doubt that players struggle to get used to the brand new gameplay. Here are a few reasons why shooting is so much more difficult this year.

    One of the biggest problems when shooting is that initially there isn't a shot meter. To install one, simply select settings. Then then click features, then controller settings and finally select shot Meter type.Another issue that fans are frustrated with is that they've changed their green meter.

    Players won't know if their shot is perfect until they hit the basket. This is a significant away from previous titles. It can take time to adjust, but we recommend spending time playing MyCareer so you can develop familiarity with NBA 2K's brand new shooting system.NBA 2K23 is compatible with the MyNBA2K23 mobile app and is available to download from Google Play Store for Android phones, and on the Apple App Store for iOS devices.

    With the app, you can use the app to redeem Locker Room codes and access the Scan Your Face feature for your MyPLAYER custom character for MyCAREER mode. MyCAREER mode. However, some users have reported that they're experiencing difficulty getting into the app and cannot use the anticipated face scanner feature Buy NBA 2K Coins. Check out 2K Games' official statement concerning the solution to the "failed to log into 2K Sports" error message for the NBA 2K23 companion app.

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