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The meter will appear just after you press the button by lucy Sage
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • A new addition to NBA 2K MT NBA 2K23 allows you to choose how quickly or slowly the shot meter will appear, when you enable it. There are four possible combinations available in Controller Settings These are: Very Early, Early, Late, and Very Late. Although experimenting with these settings will not alter the animations of your jumping shots, it does affect the speed at that the display of the meter. Personally, we are a fan on Very Early.

    The meter will appear just after you press the button and provides you with an additional milliseconds to time your release, but if it seems like you're continually undercooking your shots you might be better off using extremely Late or something in between. The best way to find what works for you is to play using your most-loved players in 2KU.

    In default, your Defensive Assist Strength will be Buy NBA 2K MT Coins set at 50 when you go to the Control Settings. This feature attempts to predict the speed of the players that you are guarding, however, we've noticed that it's far too aggressive at times. You can turn this off completely if you're confident in your own abilities on the sticks, but we'd suggest keeping it on to a certain extent, to ensure that you still have a small amount of magnetism that can assist you in keeping ahead of your competitors. Also, take some time in 2KU to determine what works for you however, we personally believe that around 25 is the sweet point.

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