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It's just a matter of Blizzard being Blizzard sincerely by wangyue wang
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • You know, there were a handful of questions I asked when Mike said, "Hey, you should consider taking on this job." There were a few questions I asked Mike, as well as a few questions I had for Bobby [Kotick, CEO of WOTLK Gold Activisionas well as the other employees who work at Activision Blizzard. The issue you're discussing is something which is vital to the essence of what it is to be Blizzard as a company, from both an entrepreneur's perspective, and, frankly as a community and fan's perspective.

    Here's the thing I will say. As we sit here, we are about to witness one of the World of Warcraft League Finals that was created in conjunction with some of the staff at Activision Blizzard, and the desire that they have is similar to the one that we do that is to see our games being played used by millions of players across the globe.

    I believe we all have different ways to think about the best way to achieve the goal, but our goals are very similar to each other and are very similar to them.

    The problem from a fans standpoint is that if there's ever a point where it appears that the World of Warcraft League can't retain the level of excitement it needs, would Activision suddenly decide "Well now, you've got to provide us with the next thing now," and that's where the clash of the ideologies might take place, and it's like,"Well we're working in a way where you might not be able to play yet another World of Warcraft for another 10 years." Are you still in a position in which you decide the direction of your games, and won't be given instructions on how to create them , or be forced to make them in a different manner to satisfy demands.

    Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I think that's the way that Blizzard has worked traditionally, using this kind of bottom-up perspective on what the games that we'd like us to create and progress towards are and that's vital. It's so inbuilt and inherent to the DNA of Blizzard I'm not sure what other way Blizzard can be successful in a different way.

    I'm not sure, but I do think the fact that a developer was put in charge of the company in the wake of Mike, and I think the fact we promoted Ray Gresko to be the chief development officer really speaks to not only what Blizzard is about, but is also an evidence of the fact that Activision Blizzard understands what's important to Blizzard.

    I love World of Warcraft and have been obsessive about it in a way that I haven't experienced in any other Blizzard game. And I'm sure that's the case for cheap WOTLK Classic Gold many others. Making new IP definitely works for you, but you are able to offer a variety of classic games that people would like to see more of, such as StarCraft and World of Warcraft . What's your take on creating new games versus relying on the older? Are you still planning to play with the older game in the same way that you've done with a fantastical classic or is there still a place for StarCraft and the next game?

  • wangyue wang
    wangyue wang posted a new topic:
    • 17 января 2023 г.
  • wangyue wang
    wangyue wang posted a new topic:
    • 16 января 2023 г.
  • wangyue wang
    wangyue wang posted a new topic:
    • 7 января 2023 г.
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