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The meter shows almost immediately after pushing the button by lucy Sage
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • A brand new feature in NBA 2K MT NBA 2K23 allows you to decide how fast or slow the shot counter appears if you have it enabled. There are four options available in Controller Settings There are four options available: Very Late, Early, and Very Late. While tweaking this setting will not affect the animations of your jump shots, it does alter the speed at which the indicator appears. Personally, we prefer it to be Very Early.

    The meter shows almost immediately after pushing the button, it gives you a few extra milliseconds to set the timing of your release, but if you feel you're never getting your shots right, you may prefer the time of release to be Late as well or in the middle. The best way to figure out what is most effective for you is to practice with once your favorite players 2KU.

    As a default, your Defensive Assist Strength will default to 50 within the controller Settings. This feature is designed to anticipate the direction of the opponent you're defending, however we've found it to be too agresiv at times. It is possible to Buy 2K MT turn off this feature completely if your confidence is in your own capabilities on the sticks, but we'd suggest allowing it to be just a little to give you some magnetic force to keep you in front of your competitors. Take your time in 2KU to discover the best settings for you However, personally, we believe around 25 is a good place to be.

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