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Go to the Lost Ark Twitch Drops site by Meade Dorian
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • "We are working together with Smilegate RPG on a hotfix to correct this issue. we plan to release on Monday. In the meantime Lost Ark Gold, we strongly suggest avoiding the Tytalos Guardian Raid to ensure you don't waste the time or effort to play an experience that is not running properly."

    The team says that it's looking at ways it can provide "compensation" for players who've been "block from moving forward" because of this issue due to Tytalos. "We will be sharing more information as soon as we have it. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this regard," the post concludes. The hotfix is scheduled to be out on Monday, 14th March.

    Last week, the developer revoked more than 1 million Lost Ark accounts that it believed were bots. It also stated it's team "has been working hard on crafting effective methods and tools to identify and remove robots out of the game" and admitting that "in this huge ban wave.

    It is possible that a small number of players are mistakenly identified as bots". In the week that followed the team claimed that this was "just one stage in an ongoing fight" and is developing "internal methods and tools to make it more difficult for bots to gain access to this game".

    Lost Ark is now Steam's most played game with the second highest number of concurrently played games ever. The major update of March has arrived, introducing these new ending-game raids and story quests. There are also a couple of additional treats, including the limited-time Arkesia racing event best place to buy Lost Ark Gold, as well as the game's first PvP season.

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