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Which This Is Still A Company Twitter by Kingang [email protected]
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
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  • They might have just quietly made no statement and sent countless emails out to the media stating they had been delaying the afternoon that Mut 21 coins they had been officially releasing the trailer. Sure they can do more, but they definitely could do . Maybe this paves the way for much more large gaming companies making pseudo political announcements? Lot of bigger announcements planned for this week if that doesn't have a peaceful resolution in the next few days. Bringing any focus on the protests helps the protests. Doesn't matter if they're profiting from it. I could not have said it better. Who cares if they stand to profit off it... That I truly don't think they will profit more than they just didn't say anything. It is quite literally the lack of advertising. They are especially not holding their event/reveal.

    It is advertising. Anything posted to some new social media is advertising. They also are not"not holding their event"; they are delaying it, and drawing attention to it with this tweet. To be fair, this is the first I've heard about the reveal. It is currently on my radar as a result of this tweet, therefore it's still advertising. This is not doing anything though and quite frankly some people have experienced our intelligence insulted way too much with Buy Madden 21 coins the ton of dumb fucking"we stand together with you via covid" advertisements by companies in recent months. These same companies that are actively fucking over their workers during this outbreak. Like seriously, Amazon of fucking firms has a God damn covid advertisement with some asshole preaching about just how much the company is doing to protect it's workers which those who have followed recent events would understand is complete fucking bullshit. It's a damn joke frankly.

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